| Wet Platinum Luxury Silicone Lubricant 1.0 Fl Oz 36 Pc Display Sex Toy |
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Wet Lubricant
$117.68 (23.33%)
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Wet Platinum Luxury Silicone Lubricant 1.0 Fl Oz 36 Pc Display Description:
Guaranteed never sticky, Wet Platinum premium silicone lubricant is Wet's longest lasting formula. It never dries so it leaves your skin feeling soft and moisturized.This paraben-free formula is clear, odorless, non-sticky and latex safe. It is formulated with premium, high-grade silicone for ultimate performance. It's even doctor recommended as an over-the-counter solution for personal dryness and has been approved as an FDA 510 Medical Device, safe for use with all condoms. Wet Platinum is not water-soluble so it may be enjoyed in the shower, tub, or spa. Caution: extremely slippery. Clean spillls immediately and avoid using in hottubs with silicone seals as the silicone may degrade the seals. Wet Platinum contains no water so it will not evaporate like water-based formulas and silicones are made up of large molecules so they do not absorb into the skin. Guaranteed never sticky - use it for skin conditioning or even for full body massage!
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